For being a valued member of our online Digital Marketing Agency community, I would like to offer you, 100% free, my complete Email Split Test Course.
Chances are you are wasting your time traveling, networking, and meeting with potential clients (many of whom will never sign up for your services) which leaves you very little time to get any work done, or you're struggling to land clients because meeting with people isn't something you can really do.
I'm going to tell you how to get better results… and more importantly – on this page, I'm going to give you the exact method I use to find tons of leads without leaving the comfort of my desk chair – and with just a few minutes of work.
The Email Split Test Mastermind includes our top performing Local Email Prospecting Subject Lines (up to 65% open rates!) from our years of testing and targeting cold offline prospects.
Just COPY & PASTE our success to get a constant flow of leads with just a few minutes of work, all without all that driving, meeting with prospects, and networking! It can all be done from the comfort of your home computer or given to a VA anywhere in the world!
When you read some of these astonishing results you'll be blown away at just how effective email prospecting can be!