Q3 Kick Start Pre-Call
Friday July 12th at 1PM EDT Brian is hosting an Open Sales and Strategy Training.
The presentation will be based upon the current needs and pain points of our community.
Please let us know what you feel is holding you back - what do you need to make the 2nd half of 2019 EPIC?

Want to register for the call? Need a link?  Use: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4437506184449615619 

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Everyone has at least ONE moment they consider a WIN! Even if you're just getting started or if you're feeling frustrated today, it's important to focus on the positives!
Tell me your success story! No matter how big or small, tell me something good! *
What's your Primary "Pain Point" in your business?
What training do you want/need most?
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If you answered "Other" or "Sales: Specific Service" please specify:
If you have a General Question Brian can address on the call please list it below:
The presentation on Friday will be based on the questions provided, and we will cover as many as possible.

If we don't address your question specifically on the call please follow up with a support ticket at www.getsupport.biz after the call.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Optional Testimonial - if you'd like to share a personal story about a product or service of Brian's you are using that we can share with the group, please do so here:
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